The Hindustani flute, also known as the Bansuri, and the Carnatic flute, known as the Venu, are two distinct styles of flutes found in the Indian classical music tradition. While both flutes share similarities in terms of their basic construction and playing technique, there are several differences between them:
1. Historical and regional origins: The Hindustani flute is primarily associated with the North Indian classical music tradition, whereas the Carnatic flute is associated with the South Indian classical music tradition. The geographical and cultural variations between the two regions have influenced the development of their respective flute styles.
2. Length and number of finger holes: The Hindustani flute is typically longer than the Carnatic flute, with six or seven finger holes. It is often made from a single piece of bamboo. On the other hand, the Carnatic flute is shorter and has eight finger holes, including one thumb hole.
3. Embouchure and blowing technique: The embouchure, or the way the flutist positions their lips and blows into the flute, differs slightly between the two styles. In Hindustani music, the flutist uses a technique called "khoj" where the lower lip partially covers the embouchure hole. In Carnatic music, the flutist uses a technique called "pulling," where the lower lip fully covers the embouchure hole.
4. Pitch and tuning: The tuning systems used in Hindustani and Carnatic music also vary. Hindustani music is predominantly based on the raga system, which allows for more flexibility and improvisation in terms of pitch and melodic structures. Carnatic music, on the other hand, follows a strict system of fixed pitches called the saptakam, with a more defined and structured approach to melodic improvisation.
5. Playing style and repertoire: Both styles have their own distinctive playing styles and repertoire. Hindustani flute music often emphasizes slow and meditative melodies, known as alap and vilambit, while also incorporating fast-paced rhythmic compositions called bandish. Carnatic flute music features intricate ornamentation, rhythmic complexity, and compositions like varnams, kritis, and ragam-tanam-pallavi.
It's important to note that these are general differences between the Hindustani and Carnatic flutes, and there can be variations within each style based on the preferences of individual artists. Both flutes have their unique beauty and are integral parts of their respective classical music traditions in India.
This is Hindustani flute photo